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GBS facilitates a '' run-out '' for a 20 meter propeller shaft!


A large Dutch shipyard that focuses on the development, production and repair of all kinds of ships.


This yard has the great challenge for us to store a 20-meter propeller shaft in our workshop and put it on rolls. It weighs 20 tons and is 20 meters long, this of course means that it cannot be moved with 1 crane and 1 sling, our mechanics will therefore have to think creatively about how to maneuver the axle without damaging it. It is important that the shaft comes on rollers, because it must be measured whether the shaft is swinging and this is only possible if it can turn. It is then more logically important that the axis lies flat on the rollers, otherwise incorrect measurement data would be obtained.

As mentioned, the axle is 20 meters long, this also means that it can sag in the middle due to its length and own weight, which would also yield false measurement data. It is therefore extremely important that the position of the rollers is determined correctly, because this can prevent the axle from being incorrectly rejected.


With a weight of 20 tons and a length of 20 meters, it was a challenge that our technicians were happy to tackle. With the use of 2 cranes and 4 slings we succeeded in getting the axle in balance and maneuvering in a coordinated manner.

As can be seen in the image above, the shaft ended up on the rollers and as stated in the challenge, the shaft had to come flat on the rollers to ensure that no erroneous measurement data can arise, our technicians measured this carefully.

The work most important piece of work could now start for the customer; measure it! Together with our mechanics, the customer clocked the propeller shaft, by wrapping a sling in the flange, our technicians could carefully turn the propeller shaft and read the clock to measure the deviation.


After all necessary measurements had been carried out, a roll report could be drawn up. From this it could be concluded that the axle was still within the tolerances, this means for the customer that no further finishing operations are required and the axle could therefore be returned to the ship for reassembly.


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